Employee Portal
Help Prevent the Spread of Respiratory Viruses
The President's Coronavirus Guidelines for America
The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Anura Energy makes no representation and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information contained on or available through this web site.
What We Know
The spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus) has achieved a global pandemic.
In response, our client has issued an order to cease field work through April, 30th.
CDC recommends public gathering restrictions of no more than 10 people. Everyone is advised to practice social distancing and good hygiene habits.
Testing is available for those who feel symptomatic of the virus. If you are sick, stay away from others until you’ve consulted with a medical professional.
We are not experts! Please see the links below for more details.
How Anura is Handling It
We are utilizing credible resources and gathering as much information as possible to internally manage the situation.
Complying with client mandate: all field work has been suspended until approved to return.
Enforcing social distancing practices: Preventing gatherings of 10 or more people, at the shop/office:​
Remote work options for office-based staff.
Cleaning and sanitizing our facility, vehicles and tools.
Using the time to organize the shop, office, field operations & procedures, training tools and other business processes.
Staying informed and communicating updates with staff to the best of our ability.
Posting relevant updates on our employee portal to keep all team members up to date with current changes.
Email is another way we will communicate, so please watch your inbox for updates.
What the Future Holds
We are not certain what the future holds, as this situation is evolving rapidly. At this point, we expect to resume business operations during the month of May.
We are looking into the possibility of remote work or computer/internet-based training for technicians. This option is currently under development and we hope to have more information to share in the near future.
We are advising for each of you to research and seek legal council to ensure you are fully educated and are filling for aid, which may be available to you.
Stay Safe and Be Well!